Flow Measurement

Endress+Hauser FLOWMETERS
Consistent product quality, safety, process optimization and environmental protection – these are only a few reasons why flow measurement is becoming more important all the time. Water, natural gas, steam, oils, hydrocarbons, chemicals are some of the fluids that have to be measured on a daily basis. There is no single, across-the-board technology suitable for all these applications, so you can choose the Endress+Hauser flowmeter best suited to your process needs from their full line of comprehensive flow measurement products. You can choose among various measuring principles – electromagnetic measuring of volume flow, mass flow based on either the Coriolis or thermal principle, measuring of volume flow based on the vortex or ultrasonic principle.
Harco realizes that all applications are different and can offer a customized solution to fit your specifications.
For more information contact us at 1-800-361-5361 or 705-743-5361, or [email protected]