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LKH Series Pumps


Harco offers the Alfa Laval LKH Series Pumps that are efficient and economical centrifugal pumps. They meet hygienic and gentle product treatment and chemical resistance requirements. And, since the LKH series pumps from Alfa Laval span many sizes, you always have the most resourceful pump for your centrifugal needs.

With the shaft seal positioned outside the Alfa Laval LKH series pump, difficult-to-clean components will not come into direct contact with the product. The front-loading design allows quick and easy replacement, providing more uptime with lower maintenance costs. Interchangeable single, flushed and double seals simplify spare parts inventory.

This Alfa Laval LKH pump’s impeller design ensures efficient and gentle handling of the product as it moves through the pump. Ensuring product integrity and minimizes NPSHr (Net Positive Suction Head required). Contact Harco for your Alfa Laval LKH Pump or LKH replacement part inquires.

For more information contact us at 1-800-361-5361 or 705-743-5361, or [email protected]

LKH standard Pump


Alfa Laval LKH Pump - Single Shaft Seals
Seal Type  Description LKH 05-60 LKH 70-90
Single Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, C/SiC EPDM 9612129609 9612515101
Single Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, C/SiC NBR 9612129610 9612515102
Single Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, C/SiC FPM 9612129611 9612515103
Single Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, C/SiC FEP 9612129612 9612515104
Single Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, SC/SiC EPDM 9612129605 9612515105
Single Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC NBR 9612129606 9612515106
Single Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC FPM 9612129607 9612515107
Single Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC FEP 9612129608 9612515108
Alfa Laval LKH Pump - Flushed Shaft Seals
Seal Type  Description LKH 05-60 LKH 70-90
Flushed Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, C/SiC EPDM 9612129625 9612515109
Flushed Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, C/SiC NBR 9612129626 9612515110
Flushed Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, C/SiC FPM 9612129627 9612515111
Flushed Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, C/SiC FEP 9612129628 N/A
Flushed Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC EPDM 9612129629 9612515113
Flushed Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC NBR 9612129630 N/A
Flushed Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC FPM 9612129631 9612515115
Flushed Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC FEP 9612129632 9612515116
Alfa Laval LKH Pump - Double Mechanical Shaft Seals
Seal Type  Description LKH 05-60 LKH 70-90
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, C/SiC EPDM 9612129613 9612515117
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, C/SiC NBR 9612129614 9612515118
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, C/SiC FPM 9612129615 9612515119
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, C/SiC FEP 9612129616 9612515120
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC EPDM 9612129617 9612515121
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC NBR 9612129618 9612515122
Alfa Laval LKH Pump - Single Shaft Seal & Impeller Screw
Seal type  Description LKH 05 LKH 10/15 LKH 20 LKH 25/35/45 LKH 40/50/60 LKH 70 LKH 85 LKH 90
Single Shaft Seal Service Kit, C/SiC EPDM 9611922306 9611922114 9611922122 9611922182 9611922130 9611922238 9611922952 9611922867
Single Shaft Seal Service Kit, C/SiC NBR 9611922307 9611922115 9611922123 9611922183 9611922131 9611922239 9611922953 9611922868
Single Shaft Seal Service Kit, C/SiC FPM 9611922308 9611922116 9611922124 9611922184 9611922132 9611922240 9611922954 9611922869
Single Shaft Seal Service Kit, C/SiC FEP 9611922309 9611922117 9611922125 9611922185 9611922133 9611922241 9611922955 9611922870
Single Shaft Seal Service Kit, SiC/SiC EPDM 9611922526 9611922550 9611922574 9611922598 9611922623 9611922643 9611922964 9611922879
Single Shaft Seal Service Kit, SiC/SiC NBR 9611922527 9611922551 9611922575 9611922599 9611922624 9611922644 9611922965 9611922880
Single Shaft Seal Service Kit, SiC/SiC FPM 9611922528 9611922552 9611922576 9611922600 9611922625 9611922645 9611922966 9611922881
Single Shaft Seal Service Kit, SiC/SiC FEP 9611922529 9611922553 9611922577 9611922601 9611922626 9611922646 9611922967 9611922882
Alfa Laval LKH Pump - Flushed Shaft Seal & Impeller Screw
Seal type  Description LKH 05 LKH 10/15 LKH 20 LKH 25/35/45 LKH 40/50/60 LKH 70 LKH 85 LKH 90
Flushed Shaft Seal Service Kit, C/SiC EPDM 9611922314 9611922118 9611922126 9611922190 9611922134 9611922242 9611922956 9611922871
Flushed Shaft Seal Service Kit, C/SiC NBR 9611922315 9611922119 9611922127 9611922191 9611922135 9611922243 9611922957 9611922872
Flushed Shaft Seal Service Kit, C/SiC FPM 9611922316 9611922120 9611922128 9611922192 9611922136 9611922244 9611922958 9611922873
Flushed Shaft Seal Service Kit, C/SiC FEP 9611922317 9611922121 9611922129 9611922193 9611922137 9611922245 9611922959 9611922874
Flushed Shaft Seal Service Kit, SiC/SiC EPDM 9611922534 9611922558 9611922582 9611922606 9611922631 9611922647 9611922968 9611922883
Flushed Shaft Seal Service Kit, SiC/SiC NBR 9611922535 9611922559 9611922583 9611922607 9611922632 9611922648 9611922969 9611922884
Flushed Shaft Seal Service Kit, SiC/SiC FPM 9611922536 9611922560 9611922584 9611922608 9611922633 9611922649 9611922970 9611922885
Flushed Shaft Seal Service Kit, SiC/SiC FEP 9611922537 9611922561 9611922585 9611922609 9611922634 9611922650 9611922971 9611922886
Alfa Laval LKH Pump - Double Mechanical Shaft Seal & Impeller Screw
Seal type  Description LKH 05 LKH 10/15 LKH 20 LKH 25/35/45 LKH 40/50/60 LKH 70 LKH 85 LKH 90
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal Service Kit, C/SiC EPDM 9611922322 9611922210 9611922218 9611922226 9611922234 9611922416 9611922960 9611922875
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal Service Kit, C/SiC NBR 9611922323 9611922211 9611922219 9611922227 9611922235 9611922417 9611922961 9611922876
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal Service Kit, C/SiC FPM 9611922324 9611922212 9611922220 9611922228 9611922236 9611922418 9611922962 9611922877
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal Service Kit, C/SiC FEP 9611922325 9611922213 9611922221 9611922229 9611922237 9611922419 9611922963 9611922878
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal Service Kit, SiC/SiC EPDM 9611922542 9611922566 9611922590 9611922614 9611922639 9611922651 9611922972 9611922887
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal Service Kit, SiC/SiC NBR 9611922543 9611922567 9611922591 9611922615 9611922640 9611922652 9611922973 9611922888
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal Service Kit, SiC/SiC FPM 9611922544 9611922568 9611922592 9611922616 9611922641 9611922653 9611922974 9611922889
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal Service Kit, SiC/SiC FEP 9611922545 9611922569 9611922593 9611922617 9611922642 9611922654 9611922975 9611922890