LKH UltraPure Pumps

Harco offers Alfa Laval LKH UltraPure centrifugal pumps. The premier choice for biopharmaceutical processes that demand high efficiency, exceptional cleanability, contamination safety, robust design and low maintenance.
An external shaft seal, advanced impeller design and crevice-free internal surfaces are the special features, which make these Alfa Laval LKH UltraPure pumps ideal for ultra-clean processes where low energy consumption is of concern.
Alfa Laval’s LKH UltraPure pumps have three design finesses that contribute to an ultraclean process environment:
- Specially designed semi-open impeller with balance holes that optimize the flow on the back of the impeller and contribute to the high cleanability of the shaft seal as well as of the pump itself. Increased flow around the shaft seal also provides good cooling and circulation, which prolong the service life of the seal.
- The number of product wetted parts is limited to a minimum. The few parts are perfectly matched and joints are sealed with O-rings that are tightened with a pre-defined compression, leaving no room for contaminants to hide and minimizing the elastomer surfaces in contact with the product.
- External shaft seal provides maximum hygiene by placing difficult-to-clean parts on the outside of the pump. The external shaft seal ensures that the centrifugal forces in the pump contribute to the enhanced lubrication of the shaft seal and that wear particles are forced out of the pump and do not mix with the product.
Are available in seven model sizes, Alfa Laval LKH UltraPure 10, 20, 25, 35, 40,45, 60 and 70.
All Alfa Laval biopharma components are delivered with Q-doc product documentation based upon GDP (good documentation practice).
The Q-doc package for Alfa Laval’s LKH UltraPure pumps comprises performance tests, material certificates, traceability of product wetted parts and the necessary parts and service information. This attention to detail maximizes uptime and minimizes risk.
Contact Harco for your Alfa Laval LKH UltraPure Pump or LKH UltraPure replacement part inquires.
For more information contact us at 1-800-361-5361 or 705-743-5361, or [email protected]

Alfa Laval LKH UltraPure Pump Service Kits - Single Shaft Seals
Seal Type | Description | LKHUP10 | LKHUP20 | LKHUP25/35/45 | LKHUP40/60 | LKHUP70 |
Single Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC EPDM | 9611922339 | 9611922357 | 9611922375 | 9611922393 | 9611920549 |
Single Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC FPM | 9611922338 | 9611922356 | 9611922374 | 9611922392 | 9611920550 |
Single Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC FEP | 9611922340 | 9611922358 | 9611922376 | 9611922394 | 9611920551 |
Alfa Laval LKH UltraPure Pump Service Kits - Double Mechanical Shaft Seals
Seal Type | Description | LKHUP10 | LKHUP20 | LKHUP25/35/45 | LKHUP40/60 | LKHUP70 |
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC EPDM | 9611922345 | 9611922363 | 9611922381 | 9611922399 | 9611920552 |
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC FPM | 9611922344 | 9611922362 | 9611922380 | 9611922398 | 9611920553 |
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC FEP | 9611922346 | 9611922364 | 9611922382 | 9611922400 | 9611920554 |