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Opti-Lobe Series Pumps


Harco offers Alfa Laval Opti-Lobe Pumps, an optimized rotary lobe pump that is known for its simple installation, operation and maintenance. And its universal mounting with inlet and outlet ports in a vertical or horizontal position makes installation straightforward.

Operation is just as easy and reliable thanks to the robust gearbox construction. Fully interchangeable front-loading seals provides fast access for an inspection or a replacement, without having to disassemble the pipe work.

Alfa Laval’s Opti-Lobe rotary lobe pumps offer reliable fluid transfer and gentle handling of the product, along with low pulsation, shear and noise characteristics. These hygienic positive displacement pumps from Alfa Laval are suitable for most general applications and Cleaning-in-Place.

Contact Harco for your Alfa Laval Opti-Lobe Pump or Opti-Lobe replacement parts inquires.

For more information contact us at 1-800-361-5361 or 705-743-5361, or [email protected]

Opti-Lobe Pump
Opti-Lobe Pump


Alfa Laval Opti-Lobe Pump - Shaft Seals
Description Opti-Lobe 12/13 Opti-Lobe 22/23 Opti-Lobe 32/33 Opti-Lobe 42/43 Opti-Lobe 52/53
Carbon/Stainless Steel, EPDM 9630672404 9630864754 9630864760 9630864766 9630672410
Carbon/Stainless Steel, FPM 9630672407 9630864755 9630864761 9630864767 9630672413
Carbon/Silicon Carbide, EPDM 9630672406 9630864758 9630864764 9630864770 9630672412
Carbon/Silicon Carbide, FPM 9630672409 9630864759 9630864765 9630864771 9630672415
Silicon Carbide/Silicon Carbide, EPDM 9630672405 9630864756 9630864762 9630864768 9630672411
Silicon Carbide/Silicon Carbide, FPM 9630672408 9630864757 9630864763 9630864769 9630672414


Each kit for pump comprises of:      
1 off Cover / Spline Sealing Kit 2 off Rotary Seal Drive Rings (104)
2 off wave springs (101) 2 off Rotary Seal Rings (105)  
2 off Rotary Seal O-rings (102) 2 off Stationary Seal Drive Rings
2 off ’L’ Cup Seals (103) 2 off Rotary Seal O-rings (102)  
  2 off Stationary Seal Rings (107)
Alfa Laval Opti-Lobe Pump - Cover/Spline Sealing Kit
Description Opti-Lobe 12/13 Opti-Lobe 22/23 Opti-Lobe 32/33 Opti-Lobe 42/43 Opti-Lobe 52/53
Cover/Spline Sealing Kit, EPDM 9630672400 9630864748 9630864750 9630864752 9630672402
Cover/Spline Sealing Kit, FPM 9630672401 9630864749 9630864751 9630864753 9630672403

Includes: rotor case cover O-ring + 2 pcs of: rotor O-rings for shaft end and rotor O-rings for nut end

Need to talk to an expert?

Call 1-800-361-5361 or 705-743-5361, or [email protected]